Saturday, 1 March 2014

I'll start off by saying that I consider myself unbelievably blessed to be able to do my sport, triathlon.  First and foremost among the reasons why I feel that way is the fact that due to its seasonal nature, Tri doesn't really get underway here in Canada until late May early June, and only carries on until around mid-September.  Since there isn't any racing in that time, and therefore no opportunity to do anything noteworthy.........I can usually get away for not blogging for two thirds of the year.

Not so for 2014.  Last year was a year of unexpected opportunities, ensuing accomplishments, and, most importantly, meeting a ton of new people who got behind me in a big way and who I want to give props to for their support both in 2013 and onward.  This blog will serve that purpose along with chronicling an ever improving series of race results.

 I'm a North Okanagan boy through and through, and my growing list of sponsors includes more than a few local businesses.  I got the chance to see firsthand the passion that some of these people put into their work when I was hired at the Starting Block, my longest-running (pun intended) sponsor, in April. How the people I represent go about their business is a tremendous inspiration to me, and over the next few years it will be my pleasure to give them some well-deserved exposure while I progress as an athlete.

I'll list them off for now, and do more individualized posts as the season progresses:

-The Starting Block (through which I also represent Saucony)
-Sun Country Cycle
-Breakaway Health and Fitness
-Recycled Accessories
-Laura Medcalf (Swimming/Triathlon Coach)

 Suffice it to say that the talks I've had with the owners and representatives of these brands and stores have fired me up for the coming season!!

2013 was chaotic beyond belief, where work and other responsibilities were such that racing was my therapy throughout the year.  There were no training blocks, peaks, tapers, race strategies, nothing.  It was a shoot-from-the-hip, make-it-happen kind of year that still has me shaking my head. And while it was an incredible learning experience and I wouldn't trade that year away for anything, it will be a welcome change to go into the 2014 season with some measure of organization for once.  The 2013 results (5 wins in 7 races as an age-grouper including an Overall win at short-course Provincials in August, and 6th as a pro at Challenge Penticton) can be greatly improved upon, and I'm looking forward to putting in the work over the 2014 season to do just that.

First Tri of the year will be UBC on March 9th!  I hope to have some sponsor news up before then, but if not, race report coming soon!

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